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We went to Wisley Gardens last Saturday and I realised again how much I love shooting nature. I hope you enjoy viewing my gallery and if you haven’t been there yet, it is the next place to visit when the weather is great.


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I have been to London so many times, but this visit was so special. Not only we celebrated my husband’s birthday but it was Oskar’s first trip to London. Obviously I couldn’t leave home without my camera, and this time I was trying to take some maybe not the most common shots of London.

There was this great vibe in the air, when you almost feel like Joey in Friends, who wanted to buy every single souvenir on every single street in London. I think Oskar felt it too as he had a great time seeing such a vibrant city and visiting the Science Museum where he could see his favourite planes, trains and cars so close. So with the motto: “London, baby!!!” we took a usual walk from Waterloo station to St James Park. The first thing that always catches my eye is the London eye with a spectacular sky in the background.  Stopping at the Downing Street I couldn’t resist to take a photo of a rather nice horse that apparently may kick or bite youJ then we walked to the St James Park and there it was a black swan! It might sound weird but it was the first time I saw a black swan in my life!

Last thing we had to see no matter what, was my favourite Impressionists, Claude Oscar Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir at the National Gallery. I could’ve spent there the whole day, just starring at the paintings but I suppose it would have been a very painful experience for Oskar who sat in his pushchair and didn’t pay any attention whatsoever! J As we walked out of the Gallery I had to capture this interesting view with the most famous clock in the world! At this point it was time to go home and we will definitely come back! There is so much to explore for Oskar and I am sure for me to capture some new interesting things too!


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Oskar’s dearest friend Charlie is 3 year old today! He is a very cute and handsome boy whom I had a pleasure to photograph since he was a few months old. We are looking forward to your party Charlie and hope you will come over soon, so auntie Madzia can cook your favourite spaghetti for you!


Ciocia Madzia, Oskar & wujek Maciej


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My beautiful boy Oskar is 2 years old today! Words cannot describe how we felt two year ago, when Oskar met us gracefully! Nothing compares to this feeling when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. Seeing him growing and developing is the most incredible thing that is happening every day.

Happy Birthday sweetheart! We hope that you will take as many pictures with your new camera, as mummy and daddy do!

We love you lots!


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This photo session was taken at home while little Charlie and his mum were playing and having fun!

Sometimes love is so visible on the photos…


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I don’t know what it is about flowers but every time I have them at home i.e. my husband buys them for me:-), I need to take a shot. xxx

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When I was pregnant, I had plenty of time to experiment with my camera. One day, I just opened my fridge and thought, there was some interesting objects there:-) The light was spot on so I grabbed my camera and had fun shooting fruits.


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Last autumn, my friend Gemma wanted to surprise her family with nice photos of her son Harrison. So we went to the park and took some awesome shots. Harrison is a very handsome little boy and I can’t wait to take more photos of him! xxx

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Last Friday I had a pleasure to photograph my friend’s baby. Her name is Maja and she is the cutiest girl in the world! Thank you for being such a professional model. Hope to see you soon!

Love from me and Oskar xxx


I have finally decided to share my thoughts and my photography with the world. I hope that everyone who visits this blog will enjoy my work.

